Saturday, June 7, 2008

The Great Hookah Quest (Day Five)

Fly to Antalya
Take boat trip on Mediterranean
Hotel Sera
Dinner with a local family

Friday, June 6, 2008

The Great Hookah Quest (Day Four)

JJ isn't feeling well today, so she is staying behind at the motel. I try to stay with her, but she tells me to go so I can take lots of pictures and be able to tell her about the things she won't experience. I am hesitant to leave her, but she insist that I go with the rest of the group.
Turkish carpet "factory"
I found myself awestruck at every turn. Everywhere you looked there was an amazing view of the countryside or a piece of history that up until now, I had only seen in books and videos. The day was bittersweet since I was unable to share it with JJ, but hey, there is always next time.
Pick JJ up at motel
Drive her to Izmir hospital
Murat, JJ, and I go inside
The rest of the group leaves to go have dinner with the LT Governor of Izmir and other city officials, but not before the Doktor has lemonade and water brought out to the bus for them
JJ is seen within minutes
Doktor determines she has what he calls "Tourist Flu" (Dehydration)
Doktor takes Murat & I to cafe and buys us a Turka Cola
JJ is released
I try to pay, my money is refused
JJ is wheeled outside
Doktor is there with his personal car
Doktor takes us to pharmacy
Murat gets meds
Doktor drops us off at motel
When was the last time you took a tour of another country and received this kind of service?

Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Great Hookah Quest (Day Three)

Spent the day in Istanbul
Blue Mosque
Dinner with Economics professor at Fatih University
Flew to Izmir
Drove to Ephesus

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Great Hookah Quest (Day Two)

Arrive in Munich, Germany

Hang out for several hours

Try to explore stores

Too early-they are all closed

Food place open

Devour some wiener schnitzel

Fly out of Munich, Germany

Arrive in Istanbul, Turkey

Drop luggage off at motel

Go out for dinner

Want to explore

Too exhausted

Call it a night

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Great Hookah Quest

Fly out of KC

Land in DC

(scurry to next plane)

Fly out of DC

Thursday, May 15, 2008

The End is Near

Tomorrow marks the end of session and the beginning of my weekly trek to KC. I can't believe its already been five months! Time flies when you're having fun or as JJ says, "Time flies when you get old!"

Ive put a transfer in for KC. JJ and I finally realized, mainly due to the ridiculously priced gas, (Thank you Mr. Bush!), it makes more sense for me to be where she will be seven months out of the year, instead of five.

I'm looking forward to the move to the big city. I just wish I knew when the transfer will go through. I will patiently wait for the Postal gods to give me the go ahead and hope it's only a few months and not a few years.

I despise the whole transfer process, but I'm thankful transferring is an option. I also keep reminding myself that everything happens for a reason and when the forces above decide it's time, I will get my transfer.

Until then, i will just keep focusing on the incredible opportunities JJ and I have been afforded this summer. One being a once in a life time trip to Turkey for eleven days and a little getaway for a couple of days to some island....I believe Maui is the name of the said island. Oh yeah, and I must not forget the little excursion JJ will take in August. She is going to Denver, CO to hang with some other "chosen Democrats". Some kind of convention or something. I think it has something to do with an election of some sort that is occurring in 2008?

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Defining Moments

May 26, 1988- High School graduation.

March, 3 1989- The first night of BT.

November 16, 1990- Land in Saudi.

January 16, 1991- Air war starts.

Desert Shield becomes Desert Storm.

February 24, 1991- Ground war starts.

September 11, 2001- Twin towers.

May 5, 2003- Move to Columbia.

July 1st, 2007- "Independence Day!"

Eight defining moments that have made me what I am and what I am not today. I look back, I have no excuses, no apologies, and no regrets. There is not one thing I would change. If I were to change something, I wouldn't be where I am today, and that's exactly where I want to be. Right here, right now. When I look back on my life I always find it is best described by something I was forced to memorize in Mrs. Logan's ninth grade English class. If my memory has not escaped me, I believe it's from the "Tale of Two Cities". "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way- in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only." That in a nutshell sums up my life.

Do you know the players?

I spent the better part of last night and a few minutes this morning in our State Capitol watching our State Government at work. I find myself wondering if I didn't know some of the players would it still interest me so much? I compare it to that of a sports team. I love to watch sports, but for me, it's always so much more enjoyable when you are familiar with the players.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mothers Day

Today, I find myself lacking in words and the desire to blog, but I couldn't let the day get away without paying homage to my Mom. Hate me, like me, or Love me, she has made me what I am today. I grew up without the luxury of having a Dad, so my Mom was and still is everything to me.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Will he be 'little' forever?

There's nothing like having your 38th Birthday and your partners 'little' brother graduate from college within a few days of each other, to make you feel old. Oh, let's not forget, my 'little' nephew graduates from high school in less than 15 days. I call my nephew 'little', because he is still little, isn't he? When I look at him I still see those same big brown child like eyes, filled with innocence. Okay, filled with innocence, and maybe just a little glimmer of something else? I still see that two year old little man, even though, my 'little' nephew is many inches past six foot. He is still 'little' in my eyes. Maybe he is still 'little' in my eyes, because if he is still 'little', then, I am still young. I was 19 when my 'little' nephew was born, so if he forever remains two, then I forever remain 21. Ahhhhh, to be 21 forever, now that would be the life or would it?

Saturday, May 3, 2008

New Beginnings

Ahhhhh, the summer of 2007. I was just hanging out minding my own business, when WHAM! IT HIT! HURRICANE JOJO 2007! My life has not been the same since. I should have started this blog from day one, but I was too caught up in the whirlwind to think about eating, let alone, starting a blog about my new adventures. I want to use this platform to apologize to all my friends and family who feel as if I have neglected them since the beginning of the "storm". (I use the word storm with the utmost love.) I don't feel as if I have neglected them. They just haven't been the center of my universe since the JoJo struck. I'm hoping by writing this blog, my friends and family won't feel so neglected. I'm hoping they will feel more involved and a little amused by the things that go on in my life.